Monday, May 23, 2016

CTBF Week 2 Commence!

Just a heads up, I am going to keep this blog short.

Okay, so week 1 for the new Commit to be fit group that Renee started, started out strong! We did our exercises every day like we were suppose to, but we didn't eat as well as we should have, but it could of been a lot worst!

I know I know...I'm not happy about it either, but this week, we have all of our breakfast's and lunches planned out!

For breakfast, we're having Eggs, Black Beans, Cheese, and Cilantro bowls(basically everything tossed together and eaten at the same time...yum! lol) and for Lunch we are having Brown Rice with Fajita Chicken and broccoli! 

We bought steaks and brown rice and red/gold potatoes, and chicken, and a few other things for dinner! No Pasta and No Bread! Just brown rice, which is actually REALLY tasty when you season it! I've only had it one other time and it wasn't seasoned and it was...gross! lol

As for the 60 Day Challenge, we are officially on week 2 and we are rocking it! We don't have a huge group but we have a consistent group and that is what matters! We are getting fit and healthy as a team which makes it so much easier than trying to do it on your own! It's never to late to join the fun so message me if you are interested in joining and getting fit with us!

Weight is still the same, cause of all the sugars I took in last week, so nothing new there.

Well, I think that is going to be it for this post.

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, May 16, 2016

60 Day Challenge. Part 2!

Okay, so as far as the last 60 day challenge was concerned, I didn't do any of the work outs that was posted, but I did do all the other stuff. Which was keeping my sugars under so much, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep.

So 3 out of 4 ain't too bad. I still lost weight, but not as much as I should have. Well today my friends, I worked out. I did all the work outs that was posted on the 60 Day Challenge group and still had time to spare. So we(Renee and I) went for a walk and made all the dogs in our little area bark, so we went back inside to walk in place/job in place/ run in place/ do jumping jacks/pretend to jump rope. Pretty much whatever we could think of doing in place, we did.

For breakfast we're doing home made kolaches which are low on calories and sugar. Go us!

Last week for lunches I had sandwiches with some chips and I plan on doing the same this week. IT simple but its filling and low sugar and calories as well.

Dinners are still portioned and planned to be low sugared and low calories.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   298
Goal Weight:       200

Less than a hundred pounds to go!

Well, I think that is going to be it for this post.

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, May 9, 2016

A Dark Day....

So, once again, I failed to do a post last week due to the weather, but I'm back!

All last week, I did awesome! I had finally achieved an achievement, I dropped below 300 lbs!
Granted I was only at 298, but I broke the 300 lb mark! I felt awesome!! I had weighed myself Saturday morning when I had woke up at 5:30 in the morning. I was on a mission!

My mission had started the week before when I was contacted by my bank about a loan inquiry I had made back in February. They had asked me if I was still interested in the loan. so I said yes I was. They told me to start looking for the one I wanted and send them a link, and so began my search! I was looking around and I found it about the 5th one I had looked at.

Oh, you want to know what it is I was looking at? Well, it was a Brand New Car for Renee!

Well, more like a 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan to be more precise, but it is still new to us. Our old van is just about on its last leg and instead of spending several thousand to get it fixed, I decided to get a new one. Renee still didn't know about it at this point(Shhh!)

So after a few days of back and forth with the bank and the dealership, Friday came. I was excited and nervous and needless to say, I was very anxious. The bank told me that I would expect to hear something before 11:00 am and at 10:55, I got the call....Bum Bum BUMM!!


I called the dealership, and they agreed to take the van off the market. Next, was the exciting part...telling Renee!

I called her and told that she needed to start cleaning the van cause I was trading it in for a new one!
She did, then we went and washed it and vacuumed it out and the following morning I began my mission.

Drove 3 hours to sign some paper work with my bank, that took like 5 minutes, then drove back to the dealership to get the new van!

Got there, picked it up and drove that baby home. Renee was excited!

Okay, so now that darkness sets in....

We didn't eat all that well over the weekend with my traveling and mothers day...the weight I had lost,came back and I was at 302....I felt bad, like a kid who had their lolly pop stolen.

This week, I'm gonna loose it all again and be back down!!

Weigh in time!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   302
Goal Weight:       200

Even though I gained some of my weight back, Im not going to let it get me down, I'll loose it again and more!!

Well, that's going to be it for this post, sorry it was longer than normal, but it had to be done.

Well, that's it for this post.

Till net time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, April 25, 2016


First things first, we survived the floods!

Sorry I didn't post anything last week, but because of the floods and a couple of deaths(pets, not human) and the lost of power for 12 hours, writing in my blog was the last thing on my mind.

Here are a few pictures about the flood. It was pretty bad in some places, but thank God it wasn't that bad here.
Okay, so, back to the weight loss progress....

30 pounds baby!!! 30 frickin pounds!!

I know I am little puppy!(lol)

It may not seem like a lot to some, but to me, its a small milestone in my adventure!

Been eating a small breakfast taco for breakfast(duh!), a salad for lunch and portion size meals at dinner. Sadly, I haven't started working out, but after seeing the results of Renee's weight loss and inches loss off her body, I am more determined than ever to start!

Its that time again! Photos!! OMG!!! RUN AWAY!!!

Okay, well another short and sweet post(i know it's what y'all like to see, not a lot of reading)

Weigh In time!

Starting Weight:  330
Current Weight:  300
Goal Weight:      200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Another one bites the dust....

Okay, so due to my lack of wanting to write/type tonight, I am going to keep this blog very short and sweet.

I haven't started working out yet, I am having to work some extra time at work so I am a little extra tired from that. Once my body gets use to the new change(I give it another day or two) I will start doing some exercises.

 So, I have to stop splurging so much on the weekends, I was down to 303, and after the weekend, I got back up to 305....

Still eating good(except on the weekends), other than that, not much in changes.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight:  330
Current Weight:  305
Goal Weight:      200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Another Week Another Pound Gone

Okay, so I am going to start doing something that I have not done in a long time(probably since High School).

Work Out...

A lot of days I am dragging, tired and don't want to do anything, but the desire to be skinny again(well, I really wasn't all that skinny in High School, but I was 100 pounds lighter) has been growing more and more since I started only loosing 1 pound a week.

Renee has been working all for weeks now and has lost 2 inches off her waist! 2 inches!! That is amazing!!

So, last week, I did pretty good. I decided to go a different route with my lunches and breakfast. Renee had made some homemade breakfast tacos. Eggs, Turkey Sausage and Bacon.

Then for lunches, I was eating some hot links on a tortilla, not huge, not big on sugars, but it felt like it sat heavy on my stomach for the day.

So this week, I'm back to salads!

Guess what time it is!? WEIGH IN TIME! with your host Tim the Tool Man Taylor, Woooo! Oh wait, that was child hood memories coming to the surface.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 304
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!

Monday, March 28, 2016

2 full months

Well, let me start off by saying that Easter was not very nice to me. Not very nice at all. It all started when I just a boy growing up on the farm...oh, that's for a different blog, my bad! lol


I was doing awesome all week! On Friday morning, I decided  to weigh myself and I was down to 303! I know, I'm awesome! I had lost 3 pounds in the week, I was so proud! Well, that's when trouble started...

I got off from work early on Friday, because Renee and I had to meet up with some friends for some Painting with a Twist! It wasn't much of a twist, but it was fun. It was also my first time doing it. I put on a shirt that I hadn't worn in a good 5 months and the last time i wore it, it looked like that buttons were trying to pop off. It looked kinda like the picture below.

It had fit almost perfectly! I was so proud of myself! The buttons even stayed where they were supposed to when I sat down even!

 So, we sat down and started painting and with in a few moments the entire room was laughing and having fun. I then decided to do my Bob Ross impression and everyone around us was laughing. It was a high light of the night, well that and how every one was singing to the songs that we being pumped through out the place. Below is a picture of our fishes.

So, we left there and went to a  bad place and got some food that was not in our diets, but it was late and we didn't really want to cook when we got home.

Saturday came around and we worked on the chicken coop, then for lunch, I had a smoothie and for dinners we had tacos.

Sunday came and that's when it got real bad. I wont go into details, but I gained 2 pounds back, so I am only down 1 pound instead of my 3.

Get ready for the 2 month pictures..

Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 305
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, March 21, 2016

I think I can I think I can...


I am going to keep this post short like normal, but maybe a little shorter than that.

I am changing up the food for the week and going to see how that works for me. I only lost 1 pound last week.

It's okay! I still lost something, that's still good right? YES IT IS! So be happy for me! A loss is still a loss!

So, this week for breakfast, I'm sticking to the egg sandwich thingy, but we added some spinach to it, which its purty dang tasty! Kinda taste like a sandwich from Subway, which I love. The total amount of sugar in the breakfast is only 2g! Piece of Cake!(Mmmmm, cake.....*homer drool* Just kidding!)

For lunch, I am going to be eating some hot links(made by Earl Campbell, they are YUM YUM!!) on a tortilla. The tortilla has 0 sugars and the hot links has 4g for 2 links. So a total of 6g of sugar for the day so far, not bad at all!

Our weekly meals has been planned around a 25g of sugar or less for the day. So for dinners, we tried to come up with low sugar and low calorie meals that taste good and is good for us. Portion sizes are still being consumed.

We use to get those yogurts that are "Whipped" or the "Mousse" types cause they were low calories. We soon realized that low calories does not always mean low sugar. 10g of sugars!! 10! Well, that was putting us over our count of sugars and we didn't even realize it!

So we cut out the yogurts and went to fruit!

Time for the weigh in!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   306
Goal Weight:       200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Feeling Great!

Okay, so let's get one thing straight here. I may not be looking slimmer or whatever, but I feel great!

Today at work, I was constantly running around grabbing this and that for customers. Climbing ladders putting stuff away and pushing and pulling large pallets around the warehouse and I really didn't feel tired at all!

I can't believe all the energy I have now thanks to Plexus Boost! I feel almost as if I am back in high school, it's just amazing! I even actually jogged a few times in the store!

So, I changed up my breakfast a little bit. I went from eating my Quaker Chewy Granola Bar to eating an toasted egg sandwich. Might be a little more in calories, but it is 1/2 the sugar! I am burning almost 1,000 calories from just work if not more! So I'm not as worried about them as I am the sugars.

I'm still eating my salads or my little fruit trays and dinners are still low sugar, medium calorie meals. It's all about the portion control!

Well, I'm gonna keep it nice and short again. Its time for the weigh in!!

Starting Weight:    330
Current Weight:    307
Goal Weight:        200

I only lost a pound this past week, but every little bit counts! I believe that I am finally starting to develop some of my muscles and that might be why I didn't lose as much weight as I have been.

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring! 

Monday, March 7, 2016

7 weeks down!

It is hard to believe that 7 weeks ago, Renee and I started out on this Plexus adventure. It has been an awesome 7 weeks too!

To believe that in almost 2 months time, I have lost a grand total of 22 pounds! I know that I could of lost more weight than that if I had exercised all this time, but I think that the slower i take it, the easier it will be to keep off.

Last week was killer! I got a compliment that I was starting to look a little slimmer(which is a great feeling, even for a guy) and Baylynn had her little rodeo fair thing at her school. My boss being as awesome as he is, let me off early so I could attend her Rodeo Run! My little girl is not the smallest of girls, but she gave it her all! She ran/walked 8 laps!

It wasn't a huge track, but it wasn't very small either. The 8 laps that we did do, was pretty tiring. Baylynn came out with her class, got in line and off they went!

Renee took the first lap and they ran the entire thing! Then it was my turn....

Baylynn and I ran about 3/4 of it and that is when she said "Can we walk daddy?". So we started walking.

So, after all the laps were done and the dust settled, Renee and I went to smoothie king, and then to the house for a little R and R for the night to come, it was the Rodeo Fair!

So, my week was pretty good. Kept eating the same foods and I keep loosing the weight!

Well, Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 308
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Another One Bites The Dust!

ITS MONDAY!! Who is as excited as I am? No one? Well, that's okay, I'm not excited about it either. Its Monday! What is there to get excited about right?

Well, there is one thing to get excited about....My Weigh In!!

Only 3 pounds gone from this week, but it is all about the baby steps right?

So, last week I keep the same breakfast, lunch and dinner routine going. So, nothing new to report on that front.

We upped our intake to the amount that we are suppose to be, and I added a new one called Boost.

Plexus Boost is an alternative companion to Plexus Slim, formulated to energize your life! Let me tell y'all something, It works!

I know! You must be as shocked as Batman there, but I am proof. With just the slim and the Bio we were taking, I still wasn't feeling the energy like I was suppose to. That could of been due to my weight? My immune to energy boosts? I do not know, but with Boost, I don't feel nearly as tired anymore and I make it through the day without wanting to take a nap.

 Now, tonight's dinner

Dinner tonight was AWESOME! I am going to post a link down below so y'all can make it, we changed it up a little bit, as in we didn't add the peppers and we added turkey bacon. We also used turkey breakfast sausage instead of pork to also cut calories and we also did not put any pasta sauce like it calls for.

Zucchini Boats

Well, I am going to keep this post pretty short like the rest of them, but y'all really need to try this stuff, I am not a huge fan of zucchini, but this was just, good!

Okay, Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 310
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!