Monday, May 16, 2016

60 Day Challenge. Part 2!

Okay, so as far as the last 60 day challenge was concerned, I didn't do any of the work outs that was posted, but I did do all the other stuff. Which was keeping my sugars under so much, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep.

So 3 out of 4 ain't too bad. I still lost weight, but not as much as I should have. Well today my friends, I worked out. I did all the work outs that was posted on the 60 Day Challenge group and still had time to spare. So we(Renee and I) went for a walk and made all the dogs in our little area bark, so we went back inside to walk in place/job in place/ run in place/ do jumping jacks/pretend to jump rope. Pretty much whatever we could think of doing in place, we did.

For breakfast we're doing home made kolaches which are low on calories and sugar. Go us!

Last week for lunches I had sandwiches with some chips and I plan on doing the same this week. IT simple but its filling and low sugar and calories as well.

Dinners are still portioned and planned to be low sugared and low calories.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   298
Goal Weight:       200

Less than a hundred pounds to go!

Well, I think that is going to be it for this post.

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

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