Monday, April 11, 2016

Another one bites the dust....

Okay, so due to my lack of wanting to write/type tonight, I am going to keep this blog very short and sweet.

I haven't started working out yet, I am having to work some extra time at work so I am a little extra tired from that. Once my body gets use to the new change(I give it another day or two) I will start doing some exercises.

 So, I have to stop splurging so much on the weekends, I was down to 303, and after the weekend, I got back up to 305....

Still eating good(except on the weekends), other than that, not much in changes.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight:  330
Current Weight:  305
Goal Weight:      200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

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