Monday, February 29, 2016

Another One Bites The Dust!

ITS MONDAY!! Who is as excited as I am? No one? Well, that's okay, I'm not excited about it either. Its Monday! What is there to get excited about right?

Well, there is one thing to get excited about....My Weigh In!!

Only 3 pounds gone from this week, but it is all about the baby steps right?

So, last week I keep the same breakfast, lunch and dinner routine going. So, nothing new to report on that front.

We upped our intake to the amount that we are suppose to be, and I added a new one called Boost.

Plexus Boost is an alternative companion to Plexus Slim, formulated to energize your life! Let me tell y'all something, It works!

I know! You must be as shocked as Batman there, but I am proof. With just the slim and the Bio we were taking, I still wasn't feeling the energy like I was suppose to. That could of been due to my weight? My immune to energy boosts? I do not know, but with Boost, I don't feel nearly as tired anymore and I make it through the day without wanting to take a nap.

 Now, tonight's dinner

Dinner tonight was AWESOME! I am going to post a link down below so y'all can make it, we changed it up a little bit, as in we didn't add the peppers and we added turkey bacon. We also used turkey breakfast sausage instead of pork to also cut calories and we also did not put any pasta sauce like it calls for.

Zucchini Boats

Well, I am going to keep this post pretty short like the rest of them, but y'all really need to try this stuff, I am not a huge fan of zucchini, but this was just, good!

Okay, Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 310
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!


  1. Updates Please! Been waiting all week to see how things are coming along. Keep at it!

  2. Thanks for following me Shawn! Updates come every Monday, so come on back then.
