Monday, May 9, 2016

A Dark Day....

So, once again, I failed to do a post last week due to the weather, but I'm back!

All last week, I did awesome! I had finally achieved an achievement, I dropped below 300 lbs!
Granted I was only at 298, but I broke the 300 lb mark! I felt awesome!! I had weighed myself Saturday morning when I had woke up at 5:30 in the morning. I was on a mission!

My mission had started the week before when I was contacted by my bank about a loan inquiry I had made back in February. They had asked me if I was still interested in the loan. so I said yes I was. They told me to start looking for the one I wanted and send them a link, and so began my search! I was looking around and I found it about the 5th one I had looked at.

Oh, you want to know what it is I was looking at? Well, it was a Brand New Car for Renee!

Well, more like a 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan to be more precise, but it is still new to us. Our old van is just about on its last leg and instead of spending several thousand to get it fixed, I decided to get a new one. Renee still didn't know about it at this point(Shhh!)

So after a few days of back and forth with the bank and the dealership, Friday came. I was excited and nervous and needless to say, I was very anxious. The bank told me that I would expect to hear something before 11:00 am and at 10:55, I got the call....Bum Bum BUMM!!


I called the dealership, and they agreed to take the van off the market. Next, was the exciting part...telling Renee!

I called her and told that she needed to start cleaning the van cause I was trading it in for a new one!
She did, then we went and washed it and vacuumed it out and the following morning I began my mission.

Drove 3 hours to sign some paper work with my bank, that took like 5 minutes, then drove back to the dealership to get the new van!

Got there, picked it up and drove that baby home. Renee was excited!

Okay, so now that darkness sets in....

We didn't eat all that well over the weekend with my traveling and mothers day...the weight I had lost,came back and I was at 302....I felt bad, like a kid who had their lolly pop stolen.

This week, I'm gonna loose it all again and be back down!!

Weigh in time!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   302
Goal Weight:       200

Even though I gained some of my weight back, Im not going to let it get me down, I'll loose it again and more!!

Well, that's going to be it for this post, sorry it was longer than normal, but it had to be done.

Well, that's it for this post.

Till net time, keep on adventuring!

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