Monday, February 8, 2016

The day it went wrong

Well, I was not able to reach my mark of another 8 pounds gone this past week, I was only able to reach 3 pounds gone, but for a total for 11 pounds total!

I know the picture says 10 pounds, but I lost 11! Not 100% sure it was all fat or not, but still, 11 pounds is 11 pounds!

Sunday we had a splurge day because we had to celebrate Renee's grandmother's birthday! She turned 93, 93! Can you imagine being 93!? I won't go into detail of what I had, but just believe me when I say, I wish I hadn't of done it.

Did it taste good? YES! Did I want more? Yes! Did I get more? Unfortunately, I got a little more..

I know, I had a moment of weakness at a birthday event, but it wont happen again! 

Stepping on the scale this morning and seeing only 3 pounds had gone instead of 8 like I wanted, made me have a moment of anger, sadness and guilt all at once.

I may of been thrown off my horse, but by God, this cowboy is getting back on it again! As good as the splurge day was, it set me too far back from where I wanted to be. No more splurging like I did again!

So, lets put it all into perspective here,

Starting Weight: 330

Current Weight: 319

Goal Weight:     200

11 pounds gone and 119 more to go!

Till Next Time! Keep on adventuring!

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