Monday, February 29, 2016

Another One Bites The Dust!

ITS MONDAY!! Who is as excited as I am? No one? Well, that's okay, I'm not excited about it either. Its Monday! What is there to get excited about right?

Well, there is one thing to get excited about....My Weigh In!!

Only 3 pounds gone from this week, but it is all about the baby steps right?

So, last week I keep the same breakfast, lunch and dinner routine going. So, nothing new to report on that front.

We upped our intake to the amount that we are suppose to be, and I added a new one called Boost.

Plexus Boost is an alternative companion to Plexus Slim, formulated to energize your life! Let me tell y'all something, It works!

I know! You must be as shocked as Batman there, but I am proof. With just the slim and the Bio we were taking, I still wasn't feeling the energy like I was suppose to. That could of been due to my weight? My immune to energy boosts? I do not know, but with Boost, I don't feel nearly as tired anymore and I make it through the day without wanting to take a nap.

 Now, tonight's dinner

Dinner tonight was AWESOME! I am going to post a link down below so y'all can make it, we changed it up a little bit, as in we didn't add the peppers and we added turkey bacon. We also used turkey breakfast sausage instead of pork to also cut calories and we also did not put any pasta sauce like it calls for.

Zucchini Boats

Well, I am going to keep this post pretty short like the rest of them, but y'all really need to try this stuff, I am not a huge fan of zucchini, but this was just, good!

Okay, Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 310
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!

Monday, February 22, 2016

One Month and going strong!

Okay, month gone,,,and well....

17 LBS GONE TOO!! That is a little over 2 gallons of water or milk or better yet....FAT!!

You won't believe how much better I feel, I may not look it yet, but I feel it and feeling it is the first step! Remember, got to learn to crawl before you can walk.

So, last week my breakfast consisted of a Quaker Chewy Granola bar.

Then for my lunches, all I had was an Crunch Pak and a Nature Vally Oats N Honey Bar.

Then for dinner, it was really whatever we had to eat, but portion sized and not super sized jumbo plates of food like I was eating.

Now I know some of you are looking at the Quaker and Nature Valley and yelling at me, "They are full of sugars!!!" I know this, but I can't cut out sugars completely, and when I am not taking any in from anywhere else, it kinda equals out to the amount I need for the day.

Now, on to yesterday...the dreaded Birthday party....Bum BUM BUMMM!

Was there cake? Yes there was...

Was I offered a slice of yummy/delicious looking cake? Yes I was...

Did I have a slice of said cake? No I did not!

Score one for me!! 

Plexus has helped me with curving my appetite and I had the will power to say no! Well, I said No Thank you, but still...

Okay, I'm sorry to have to do this to y'all, but it is time for 1 month pictures.....EEK! I know I know!

I know, it doesn't look like I lost anything, but I still feel better. That's what counts first right?

Well, its the time again, Yep! Weigh in Time!

Starting Weight: 300

Current Weight: 313

Goal Weight:     200

Well, that does it for this post, so...

Till next time! Keep on adventuring!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Wake up call

Well, the sign says it all.

This morning I had a nice little wake up call from this past week and weekend, when I stepped on the scale and saw that my weight had not changed at all.

Talk about a slap to the face. All last week all I ate was healthy foods. Drank nothing but water and I still did't loose a single pound.

Now, with that being said, I probably did loose 2-3 pounds, but because of Friday.....we went to the movies to see the new Deadpool movie and It was amazing!!

Me on the other hand? Not so much....On our way to the movies, we stopped at McDonald's and got 2 grilled chicken sandwiches(1 each), no fries or drinks, I thought it wasn't too bad for us. So off we went!

The theater we went to has a bar and we were an hour and a half early for the movie. Grab a drink? Why not! It's our Celebration day! To resist the temptations of the delicious looking fried goodies they had, we opted to split a VERY lightly dressed Caesar salad and then after we finished drink #1, we were thirsty still, so we ordered drink #2. While drinking drink #2, we gazed down on the people below us eating Gelato. We had never had Gelato, and it was our celebrations day, so, we split 2 scoops. And then it was time for the movie, so we went to the concession stand to grab a small popcorn and waters. They did not have a small popcorn. WHAT THEATER DOESN'T HAVE A SMALL POPCORN?! But, it was our celebration day, so we opted to split the regular sized one. We didn't finish the bag, but we got close to it.

I know what your thinking, why did you do that? why did you give in?

Well, to be honest, I thought I had been doing so good during the week, that a little splurging on valentine's day wouldn't hurt me. I guess I thought wrong on that one.

Well, that's gonna be it for this post so here is my weekly weigh in!

Starting Weight: 330

Current Weight: 319

Goal Weight:     200

I will not let myself go astray again! I Will and I Can do this!!

Till next time! Keep on adventuring! 

Monday, February 8, 2016

The day it went wrong

Well, I was not able to reach my mark of another 8 pounds gone this past week, I was only able to reach 3 pounds gone, but for a total for 11 pounds total!

I know the picture says 10 pounds, but I lost 11! Not 100% sure it was all fat or not, but still, 11 pounds is 11 pounds!

Sunday we had a splurge day because we had to celebrate Renee's grandmother's birthday! She turned 93, 93! Can you imagine being 93!? I won't go into detail of what I had, but just believe me when I say, I wish I hadn't of done it.

Did it taste good? YES! Did I want more? Yes! Did I get more? Unfortunately, I got a little more..

I know, I had a moment of weakness at a birthday event, but it wont happen again! 

Stepping on the scale this morning and seeing only 3 pounds had gone instead of 8 like I wanted, made me have a moment of anger, sadness and guilt all at once.

I may of been thrown off my horse, but by God, this cowboy is getting back on it again! As good as the splurge day was, it set me too far back from where I wanted to be. No more splurging like I did again!

So, lets put it all into perspective here,

Starting Weight: 330

Current Weight: 319

Goal Weight:     200

11 pounds gone and 119 more to go!

Till Next Time! Keep on adventuring!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Week 1 Complete!

When I started this adventure, I weighed 330 pounds, now as of this morning (February 1, 2016. which is also my birthday) I weighed in at 321.6! That is 8.4 pounds gone! That is almost the size of a large bag of potatoes! A lot of the success to my weight loss so far is that I have completely cut out soda, been taking my plexus like I should and I have only been drinking water.

 For the past week I had something small for breakfast, a ham sandwich with some chips and actual serving size dinner at home. Well, except for yesterday, I got a double meat cheese burger as my birthday splurge meal from Whataburger (best fast food burger in my opinion!) and my small 3 little cannolis which was my birthday cake. Hey!, don't judge me! If you were to put them together, they equaled 1 normal sized cannoli or smaller. I'm sure that if I hadn't of had that for my dinner, then my weight loss would of been a lot larger, but hey, its my birthday!

My job also has a lot to do with my weight loss I'm sure. I am always moving and hardly ever sitting still, like today for instance, on my pedometer, it says I walked 11,848 steps and that means I burned 770 calories just from my walking! Not to mention all the climbing and bending and picking and lifting I'm tired just thinking about it again!

This week for breakfast gonna do something small again, I bought me some Apple, Pretzel and Cheese snack trays at the store for my lunch(which are super yummy and low calories) and again, serving size dinners. I also picked up some extra apples for snacks just in case I get hungry.
I believe I will be able to drop another 8 pounds no problem!

Well, that's gonna be it for this week, I'm glad you are on this adventure with me! Till next time adventurer!