Monday, April 25, 2016


First things first, we survived the floods!

Sorry I didn't post anything last week, but because of the floods and a couple of deaths(pets, not human) and the lost of power for 12 hours, writing in my blog was the last thing on my mind.

Here are a few pictures about the flood. It was pretty bad in some places, but thank God it wasn't that bad here.
Okay, so, back to the weight loss progress....

30 pounds baby!!! 30 frickin pounds!!

I know I am little puppy!(lol)

It may not seem like a lot to some, but to me, its a small milestone in my adventure!

Been eating a small breakfast taco for breakfast(duh!), a salad for lunch and portion size meals at dinner. Sadly, I haven't started working out, but after seeing the results of Renee's weight loss and inches loss off her body, I am more determined than ever to start!

Its that time again! Photos!! OMG!!! RUN AWAY!!!

Okay, well another short and sweet post(i know it's what y'all like to see, not a lot of reading)

Weigh In time!

Starting Weight:  330
Current Weight:  300
Goal Weight:      200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Another one bites the dust....

Okay, so due to my lack of wanting to write/type tonight, I am going to keep this blog very short and sweet.

I haven't started working out yet, I am having to work some extra time at work so I am a little extra tired from that. Once my body gets use to the new change(I give it another day or two) I will start doing some exercises.

 So, I have to stop splurging so much on the weekends, I was down to 303, and after the weekend, I got back up to 305....

Still eating good(except on the weekends), other than that, not much in changes.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight:  330
Current Weight:  305
Goal Weight:      200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Another Week Another Pound Gone

Okay, so I am going to start doing something that I have not done in a long time(probably since High School).

Work Out...

A lot of days I am dragging, tired and don't want to do anything, but the desire to be skinny again(well, I really wasn't all that skinny in High School, but I was 100 pounds lighter) has been growing more and more since I started only loosing 1 pound a week.

Renee has been working all for weeks now and has lost 2 inches off her waist! 2 inches!! That is amazing!!

So, last week, I did pretty good. I decided to go a different route with my lunches and breakfast. Renee had made some homemade breakfast tacos. Eggs, Turkey Sausage and Bacon.

Then for lunches, I was eating some hot links on a tortilla, not huge, not big on sugars, but it felt like it sat heavy on my stomach for the day.

So this week, I'm back to salads!

Guess what time it is!? WEIGH IN TIME! with your host Tim the Tool Man Taylor, Woooo! Oh wait, that was child hood memories coming to the surface.

Weigh In Time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 304
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post,

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!