Monday, January 25, 2016

Starting my Adventure!

In order to walk, we must first learn how to crawl. This is only human nature, there are however, some people out there who learned to walk first and never needed to learn how to crawl. I would like to think that I fit the later of those two people in the fact that you need to learn how to eat right and in moderation. I never learned what food could do to me, even though it was all around me, I just knew that it tasted good and I wanted more.

So, in order to loose weight, we(My wife and I, who is doing her own journey as well.) decided that, for starters, since our bodies are so used to all the junk, we have to wean ourselves off of them slowly or else we believe that we will just say fuck it and devour the junk food. So we are learning to crawl before we walk.

I weighed myself this morning and I am currently 330 lbs even. This is the most I have ever weighed and I am not happy about it. My goal is to get down to an even 220 my old high school power lifting weight and I believe I can do it! If I can make my goal that will be 110 lbs gone, that is like carrying around two 50 lbs bags of dog food  or a small dresser.

I am about to post pics that I took last night of my body, all 330 lbs of it. So if you are someone who just likes to be rude or make fun of people, please move on,

You have been warned! Here is what I currently look like.

Sometimes I feel like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers and now a days, I am starting to look like him too. Well, that is going to be it for this post, but I will try to make this a weekly post with updates on weight and what all I had done for the week. Thank you for stopping by and reading!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Adventure of a Life Time!

In the movie The Hobbit that was released back in 2012, Mr. Bilbo takes off running from his home and across the valley. At one point, one of the other hobbits ask him, "You! Mr. Bilbo where're you off to?" he simply reply's with, "I'm going on an adventure!" Well, as I am about to quote Mr. Baggins here, "I'm going on an adventure!".

In my adventure, I will not really be going anywhere, but I will be loosing things that I have wanted to loose for a while now, FAT! That's right, my adventure is a weight loss adventure and I plan/hope to be able to post most of my weight loss experience here, to share with all of you. So, here is a little background information for you.

I am 5'5"and I weigh over 300 lbs and i have been over weight for most of my life. As far back as I can remember, I have always been fat.

When I was in high school, I wasn't very popular, but growing up in a small country 2A school, everyone knew everyone even if you wanted to disappear. For the first two years, I played Football, Power lifting and I competed in Shot Put and Discus in the Track and Field events. The only reason I did these things was to try to make friends. I wasn't an awesome all rounder kind of guy like most of the guys at my school, I was just plan average Jeff.

Anyways, long story short, I hurt my back training after school with the rest of the power lifting team and I ended up quitting and when I did, I ended up getting way over weight. Now I am trying to loose the weight and get back down to my high school weight of 200 or lower, so I can live a long healthy life with the woman of my dreams and the most beautiful little girl a man could ask for.

I will be taking a thing called Plexus to help boost my energy and curve my appetite.

I will no longer be going back for second and even sometimes third plates.
I will no longer eat a serving that could feed three people.
I will loose the weight one way or another and I will live healthier, happier and skinnier!

Any comments or questions you would like to share with me, please feel free to add them or you can email them to me at

I'm going on an adventure!