Monday, March 28, 2016

2 full months

Well, let me start off by saying that Easter was not very nice to me. Not very nice at all. It all started when I just a boy growing up on the farm...oh, that's for a different blog, my bad! lol


I was doing awesome all week! On Friday morning, I decided  to weigh myself and I was down to 303! I know, I'm awesome! I had lost 3 pounds in the week, I was so proud! Well, that's when trouble started...

I got off from work early on Friday, because Renee and I had to meet up with some friends for some Painting with a Twist! It wasn't much of a twist, but it was fun. It was also my first time doing it. I put on a shirt that I hadn't worn in a good 5 months and the last time i wore it, it looked like that buttons were trying to pop off. It looked kinda like the picture below.

It had fit almost perfectly! I was so proud of myself! The buttons even stayed where they were supposed to when I sat down even!

 So, we sat down and started painting and with in a few moments the entire room was laughing and having fun. I then decided to do my Bob Ross impression and everyone around us was laughing. It was a high light of the night, well that and how every one was singing to the songs that we being pumped through out the place. Below is a picture of our fishes.

So, we left there and went to a  bad place and got some food that was not in our diets, but it was late and we didn't really want to cook when we got home.

Saturday came around and we worked on the chicken coop, then for lunch, I had a smoothie and for dinners we had tacos.

Sunday came and that's when it got real bad. I wont go into details, but I gained 2 pounds back, so I am only down 1 pound instead of my 3.

Get ready for the 2 month pictures..

Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 305
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, March 21, 2016

I think I can I think I can...


I am going to keep this post short like normal, but maybe a little shorter than that.

I am changing up the food for the week and going to see how that works for me. I only lost 1 pound last week.

It's okay! I still lost something, that's still good right? YES IT IS! So be happy for me! A loss is still a loss!

So, this week for breakfast, I'm sticking to the egg sandwich thingy, but we added some spinach to it, which its purty dang tasty! Kinda taste like a sandwich from Subway, which I love. The total amount of sugar in the breakfast is only 2g! Piece of Cake!(Mmmmm, cake.....*homer drool* Just kidding!)

For lunch, I am going to be eating some hot links(made by Earl Campbell, they are YUM YUM!!) on a tortilla. The tortilla has 0 sugars and the hot links has 4g for 2 links. So a total of 6g of sugar for the day so far, not bad at all!

Our weekly meals has been planned around a 25g of sugar or less for the day. So for dinners, we tried to come up with low sugar and low calorie meals that taste good and is good for us. Portion sizes are still being consumed.

We use to get those yogurts that are "Whipped" or the "Mousse" types cause they were low calories. We soon realized that low calories does not always mean low sugar. 10g of sugars!! 10! Well, that was putting us over our count of sugars and we didn't even realize it!

So we cut out the yogurts and went to fruit!

Time for the weigh in!

Starting Weight:   330
Current Weight:   306
Goal Weight:       200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, keep on adventuring!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Feeling Great!

Okay, so let's get one thing straight here. I may not be looking slimmer or whatever, but I feel great!

Today at work, I was constantly running around grabbing this and that for customers. Climbing ladders putting stuff away and pushing and pulling large pallets around the warehouse and I really didn't feel tired at all!

I can't believe all the energy I have now thanks to Plexus Boost! I feel almost as if I am back in high school, it's just amazing! I even actually jogged a few times in the store!

So, I changed up my breakfast a little bit. I went from eating my Quaker Chewy Granola Bar to eating an toasted egg sandwich. Might be a little more in calories, but it is 1/2 the sugar! I am burning almost 1,000 calories from just work if not more! So I'm not as worried about them as I am the sugars.

I'm still eating my salads or my little fruit trays and dinners are still low sugar, medium calorie meals. It's all about the portion control!

Well, I'm gonna keep it nice and short again. Its time for the weigh in!!

Starting Weight:    330
Current Weight:    307
Goal Weight:        200

I only lost a pound this past week, but every little bit counts! I believe that I am finally starting to develop some of my muscles and that might be why I didn't lose as much weight as I have been.

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring! 

Monday, March 7, 2016

7 weeks down!

It is hard to believe that 7 weeks ago, Renee and I started out on this Plexus adventure. It has been an awesome 7 weeks too!

To believe that in almost 2 months time, I have lost a grand total of 22 pounds! I know that I could of lost more weight than that if I had exercised all this time, but I think that the slower i take it, the easier it will be to keep off.

Last week was killer! I got a compliment that I was starting to look a little slimmer(which is a great feeling, even for a guy) and Baylynn had her little rodeo fair thing at her school. My boss being as awesome as he is, let me off early so I could attend her Rodeo Run! My little girl is not the smallest of girls, but she gave it her all! She ran/walked 8 laps!

It wasn't a huge track, but it wasn't very small either. The 8 laps that we did do, was pretty tiring. Baylynn came out with her class, got in line and off they went!

Renee took the first lap and they ran the entire thing! Then it was my turn....

Baylynn and I ran about 3/4 of it and that is when she said "Can we walk daddy?". So we started walking.

So, after all the laps were done and the dust settled, Renee and I went to smoothie king, and then to the house for a little R and R for the night to come, it was the Rodeo Fair!

So, my week was pretty good. Kept eating the same foods and I keep loosing the weight!

Well, Weigh in time!

Starting Weight: 330
Current Weight: 308
Goal Weight:     200

Well, that is it for this post, so...

Till next time, Keep on adventuring!